ESG Performance by the Numbers

Resolute has received regional, North American and global recognition for its leadership in corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. As a supplier of choice within the forest products industry, we focus on maximizing our contributions to the circular economy, reducing our carbon footprint, creating positive social impact, and bringing value to our operating communities.

Environmental Highlights1

Environmental Highlights
Climate 2023 Performance
2023 Performance
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – scope 1 655 thousands of mt CO2e 152 kg CO2e/mt+bf
GHG emissions – scope 2 355 thousands of mt CO2e 83 kg CO2e/mt+bf
GHG emissions – scope 3 (2022) 3,162 thousands of mt CO2e 792 kg CO2e/mt+bf
Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions 1.47 thousands of mt 0.89 kg/mt
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions 0.35 thousands of mt 0.21 kg/mt
Particulate emissions 0.27 thousands of mt 0.16 kg/mt
Energy 2023 Performance
2023 Performance
Total energy consumed (fuel and electricity) 13,705 thousands of MWh / 49,338,352 GJ 8.32 MWh/mt
Renewable energy used (fuel and electricity) 10,887 thousands of MWh / 79% of consumption 6.61 MWh/mt
Electricity consumed2 4,104 thousands of MWh / 14,774,400 GJ 2.49 MWh/mt
Electricity sold 578 thousands of MWh n/a
Self-generated electricity 1,518 thousands of MWh / 33% of electricity consumption 0.92 MWh/mt
Purchased electricity 3,105 thousands of MWh / 67% of electricity consumption 1.89 MWh/mt
Fuel used (oil/diesel) 2,326 thousands of MWh / 24% of fuel consumption 1.41 MWh/mt
Fuel used (biomass) 7,441 thousands of MWh / 76% of fuel consumption 4.52 MWh/mt
Water 2023 Performance
2023 Performance
Water withdrawn 118,595 thousands of m3 72.00 m3/mt
Water treated and discharged 111,717 thousands of m3 67.82 m3/mt
Water used 6,878 thousands of m3 4.18 m3/mt
Water withdrawn from surface water sources >99% of withdrawals n/a
Discharges to water – total suspended solids 3.5 thousands of mt 2.11 kg/mt
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of discharges 2.7 thousands of mt 1.66 kg/mt
Environment Management 2023 Performance
2023 Performance
Total waste 3,768 thousands of mt 877 kg/mt
Waste used for beneficial use3 3,693 thousands of mt 860 kg/mt
Waste sent to landfills 75 thousands of mt 17.55 kg/mt
Class 1 and 2 environmental incidents 14 n/a
Significant spills 0 n/a
Significant environmental fines 0 n/a
Total sites 43 n/a
ISO 14001-certified sites 43 n/a
Forest Management 2023 Performance
2023 Performance
Forest management (FM) certification 100% n/a
SFI® FM certification 50,244,433 acres (100%) n/a
FSC® FM certification 17,585,550 acres (35%) n/a
Area of forestland with protected conservation status Protected Areas n/a
Area of forestland in endangered species habitat Conservation and Biodiversity n/a
Area of forestland in Indigenous land Indigenous Collaborations n/a
Aggregate standing timber inventory4 1,250,000,000 m3 n/a
Production 2023 Performance
2023 Performance
Timber harvest volume 8,802,922 m3 n/a
Total fiber sourced for pulp, paper and tissue mills 2,214,252 admt n/a
Amount of recycled and recovered fiber procured 64,213 mt n/a
Total pulp production 619,246 mt n/a
Total paper production 925,960 mt n/a
Total tissue production 87,000 mt n/a
Total wood product production5 2,194,021,000 bf n/a
  1. Environmental data is for pulp, paper and tissue mills only, except for forest management-related information, greenhouse gas emissions, environmental incidents, ISO 14001 certification and waste management data, which include all operations.
  2. Represents purchased electricity, minus actual external sales of electricity produced from cogeneration facilities.
  3. Includes waste used beneficially, such as recycling and land spreading, as well as on-site energy recovery
  4. Based on 50,244,433 acres of forestland.
  5. Does not include remanufactured wood, engineered wood and wood pellets.

Social Highlights

Social Highlights
Health & Safety 2023 Performance
Lost time frequency rate1 0.26
OSHA recordable incident rate 0.63
OSHA severity rate 23.1
Absenteeism rate 6.0%
Fatalities – employees 0
Fatalities – contractors 0
Fatalities – total 0
Human Resources 2023 Performance
Employees 6,015
Hires 1,165
Women in workforce 18%
Women hiring rate 21.76%
Women in management roles 20%
Women in executive roles 20%
Voluntary employee turnover 18.8%
Involuntary employee turnover2 11.3%
Employees unionized 55.8%
Employee eligibility for participation in retirement plans 100%
Employee participation in retirement plans 98.1%
Sustainability metrics for incentive pay Yes, STIP
Paid sick leave Yes
Retirement contributions Yes
Community Engagement and Impact 2023 Performance
Indigenous partnerships and consultative relationships 36
Direct economic impact $2,737,000,000
Payments to governments3 $24,908,831
Community contributions (donations, sponsorships, etc.) $1,376,163
Indirect employment impact4 19,549
Customers and Suppliers 2023 Performance
Customer satisfaction5 95%
Customer requests – sustainability and product stewardship 163
Third-party fiber tracking systems 100%
Fiber processed with minimum due diligence requirements 100%
Fiber purchased from external sources that is third-party certified 90%
Fiber certified to third party standards (sawmills) 55%
Fiber certified to third party standards (pulp and paper mills) 87%
  1. The lost time frequency rate is calculated by multiplying the number of incidents that were lost time cases by 200,000, divided by total number of hours worked.
  2. Employees who left the organization due to dismissal, retirement or death in service.
  3. Includes corporate income taxes; franchise tax; property and school taxes; and non-recoverable sales taxes. Excludes payroll taxes and countervailing and antidumping duties.
  4. Research by the Economic Policy Institute indicates that for every 100 jobs in the paper industry, 325 additional jobs are supported in supplier industries and in local communities due to the re-spending of wages.
  5. Customer satisfaction is measured using quality and service key performance indicators (KPI). Including the percentage of root cause problem elimination cases initiated and closed; excludes wood products.

Governance Highlights

Governance Highlights
Board of directors1 2023 Performance
Directors 7
Independent directors 86%
Gender diversity 29% women
Diversity policy Minimum 25% of each gender (men and women)
Chair Independent
Committees2 Audit, HRCNG, EHSS, Finance (4)
Independance of committees All members of HRCNG & Audit independent as per NYSE standards
Ethics 2023 Performance
Code of Ethics and Business conduct3 Yes, annual compliance and training
New employees trained on Code of Ethics and Business Conduct 100%
Ethics reporting policy with hotline and whistleblower protection Yes
Human Rights Policy Yes
Related persons policy Yes
Insider trading policy Yes
Anti-hedging and anti-pledging Yes
Recoupement policy Yes
Compensation 2023 Performance
Annual say on pay 99% approval rate in 2023
Annual reviews Benchmarking by HRCNG against peers
ESG metric pay incentives Environmental and health & safety incidents as well as GHG remission reductions
ESG Reporting 2023 Performance
Board, executive and sustainability committee members trained on ESG 100%
Number of material issues (shared priorities) 31
Number of high priority material issues 8
GRI Universal Standards Yes, Resolute is in compliance with GRI's "In Accordance" level
SASB Standards Yes, pulp & paper and forestry management
UNSDGs Yes, eight SDGs
CDP Climate B
CDP Forests A-
CDP Water Security B
Ecovadis 57 (64th percentile)
S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (March 15, 2024) 44 (80th percentile)
  1. The information below pertains to Resolute's board of directors, which was dissolved on March 1, 2023. The Management Board of the Paper Excellence Group of Companies is currently the highest governing body of the organization.
  2. Committees included: audit; human resources and compensation/nominating and governance (HRCNG); environment, health, safety and sustainability (EHSS); and finance. 
  3. The Code includes provisions on legal compliance, conflicts of interest, anti-bribery and corruption, human rights, sustainability, fair dealing with third parties, appropriate workplace behavior, protection of intellectual property, security and cybersecurity.


Unless otherwise noted, amounts in this document are in U.S. dollars, and data reported is as at December 31, 2023.

Resolute became a privately-owned company pursuant to the merger of Resolute with a subsidiary of Domtar Corporation on March 1, 2023.