Book Papers

Available in a wide variety of shades, calipers, basis weights and brightnesses, Resolute Forest Products' portfolio of book papers is the broadest offering in North America. From coloring books, puzzle books, mass market paperbacks and tradebooks to educational workbooks and hardcover books, we have a paper to fit your book publishing needs.

Our book paper manufacturing mills are Alma and Dolbeau (Quebec).



  • Wide range of caliper, brightnesses and basis weight combinations available:
    Alternative Book
    ResoluteBook 75
    ResoluteBook 70
    ResoluteBook 65
    ResoluteBook 60
  • Cream shades represent the industry-leading workhorse for cream book paper:
    ResoluteBook 70 Cream
    Alternative Book Cream


  • Mass market and premium paperbacks
  • Tradebooks
  • Coloring books
  • Puzzle books
  • Hardcover books
  • Educational workbooks

ResoluteBook Product Sheet – Alma

ResoluteBook Product Sheet – Dolbeau